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MAY 13, 2009


Commissioner Barczak called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak, DiNicola, Yochum, Yanni Jr. and Crick Owen
Commission Members absent:  None
Staff present:  Mangold and Reggiano
Staff absent: Samuelson
Public: Sean Remson and Kendra Bobowick from the Newtown Bee.


(m/s/c:  Yochum/DiNicola) “Motion to accept the minutes of the April 14, 2009 meeting.”   


Ø       Lori Capozziello was unable to attend this meeting. She will attend the June meeting to talk about “Athlete to Athlete” donations that can be made to “Donate to Skate”.
Ø        Scott Coleman – “Rails to Trails” report – Mr. Coleman was unable to attend the meeting.
Ø       Sean Remson (football coach for many years and has run programs through Parks and Recreation in the past) would like to run a new program through Parks and Recreation at Newtown Youth Academy (NYA).  It would be an indoor tackle football league for grades 2 – 8 (the end of March through the beginning of May).  These teams would include children from various other towns.  The program would run for 8 weeks. The children would be evaluated and then placed on a team.  Each team would be a mix of children from various towns.  There would be practices and games but no play off system.  Mr. Remson would like to run the program through Parks and Recreation instead of going directly through NYA.  The Commission expressed its many concerns over starting up a league under Parks and Recreation.  Assistant Director Reggiano explained the way programs are run through Parks and Recreation and the requirements that must be met.  This league does not meet the requirements set by Parks and Recreation.  Chairman Marks asked that Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano put in writing the requirements and concerns that the department has (resident requirements, non-resident fee, non-residents cannot sign up for a program until one week before the start date - Mr. Remson would like to refund the non-residents their fee, Mr. Remson would need the money from the registrations to buy the equipment needed).   They will also keep the Commission informed of their progress and that a further discussion would take place at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Remson could provide insurance. All insurance coverage would need to be confirmed.  Assistant Director Reggiano has spoken to the town’s insurance agency and they recommended that they use Mr. Remson as a vendor.  Mr. Remson indicated that he has spoken to Ken Good of NYA and that the 60 hours of time needed for the league would be available.  Director Mangold gave Mr. Remson a copy of the Rules and Regulation for Independent Contractors and the Field Use Agreement.  Director Mangold mentioned that Parks and Recreation had requested some of the same times that Mr. Remson is asking for at NYA and were told that the times were not available to Parks and Recreation.  Commission members requested a copy of the lease between the Town and NYA and that possibly the town’s attorney could review the lease agreement with NYA and that with a new administration coming info office that it might be a good time to review the lease agreement.


Ø       Director Mangold received 3 calls from Swamp Road residents reguarding the “Rails to Trails” project on Swamp Road. She addressed their concerns  (property lines) by mail with a map/survey along with the Eagle Scouts project plans.


       No report.


Ø       Director Mangold attended a Plan of Conservation and Development meeting.  She handed out information from the meeting.
Ø       There was a health walk on May 2nd at the Fairfield Hills trail. Director Mangold would like to thank Assistant Directors Samuelson and Reggiano and the park crew for all their hard work. She handed out an article from the Newtown Bee about the new trail opening.
Ø       Director Mangold, Assistant Director Samuelson, John Reed and Garry Sorge from Stantec meet to go over preliminary designs for the trail at Fairfield Hills.  A preliminary final plan was handed out to the Commission members. John Reed asked for the Commissions support so he can bring the plans to the Fairfield Hills Authority.  (m/s/c:  Barczak/Yochum) “Motion to support conceptual trail plan by Stantec for the Fairfield Hills Trail dated May 12, 2009.”  Director Mangold will attend the next Fairfield Hills meeting and report back to the Commission.
Ø       Director Mangold asked Mr. Sorge from Stantec to help with a plan for the Dickinson Park redesign.  Mr. Sorge went to the park with Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson to see the park first hand.  He will provide a schematic plan for the park.  The fee is $4,000.00.   There is a seminar on June 11th that Director Mangold, Assistant Directors Samuelson and Reggiano and John Moore will attend on “Spray Grounds” that might be an option for the park.  (m/s/c: Yochum/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to authorize Director Mangold to sign and spend $4,000.00 on a schematic plan for Dickinson Park.”
Ø       A retirement party will be held for Jack Honan on May 29th, 12:00 pm at Dickinson Park.
Ø       Urban Trail health walk has been postponed.
Ø       Carminuccio’s donated $1,500.00 towards the scoreboard at Fairfield Hills.  Chairman Marks will write a letter to thank them and will contact Babe Ruth Baseball to also write a letter.  O & G also donated $1,500.00 toward the scoreboard.
Ø       Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson attended a meeting with a sub-committee of the Legislative Council.  The topic of the meeting was to see if Parks and Recreation, the Board of Education and Public Works are working together efficiently.  They explained how well the departments work together already.  The Legislative Council sub-committee will send their report along with any recommendations they have.  Director Mangold will send final minutes from the meeting to all Commission members.  Director Mangold recommended that the town hire a purchasing agent to help with the bid process, and Chairman Marks recommended a grant writer.


Ø       Parks and Fields report was reviewed.
Ø       Director Mangold reported that Assistant Director Samuelson was having trouble with the FranksonFencing Company with them to come back and finish the fencing at Tilson Field and the softball field at the Reed School.  She was told that Reed School would be done by Friday, May 15th and that they hope to get their people back to Tilson Field next week.
Ø       The new pool filter is up and running at Treadwell Pool.  The shade structure will be up by next Saturday.
Ø       Director Mangold will check with Assistant Director Samuelson about the security cameras at Eichler’s Cove.
Ø       The landscaping at the Dickinson Trail will be completed soon.
Ø       Director Mangold reported that she, Assistant Directors Samuelson and Reggiano met with Arthur from Morganti (project manager for the high school expansion) to go over what Parks and Recreations access needs are going to be during the construction.  Blue and Gold field will be competed by the fall of 2010.


Ø       This Sunday there is a Health Walk at Orchard Hill Nature Preservesponsored by the Garden Club, The Lions Club and Parks and Recreation.  It will also include the 1st Annual Frisbee Tournament.
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano is planning a “Dog Days of Summer Event “ on September 21st.  This event will help raise money for a dog park.
Ø       Chairman Marks asked Assistant Director Reggiano to email State Representative Chris Lyddy to find out the status of the deed for the property at Fairfield Hill for a dog park.
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano reported that she only hired one camp counselor this year because all the counselors from last year returned.  She has been dealing with a few disappointed parents.
Ø       Mark Gerace is doing a phenomenal job planning the Rooster Run.  
Ø       Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano have been interviewing all the lifeguards over the last couple of weeks.  There will probably be 3 lifeguards at a time at Eichler’s Cove this year.
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano will meet with Mary from Brookfield to see if they can combine programs in order to fill ones that might otherwise be canceled.
Ø       Ken Good from NYA suggested that Parks and Recreation give Newtown Youth Basketball some of our hours at the facility.  The Commission agreed that this was not an option.  Director Mangold will speak with Mr. Good the next time that he calls.
Ø       Steve George from the Nighthawk Football Development Camp will be using Taylor Field for one-week camp this summer.  That raised the question as to whether Parks and Recreation should charge a fee to any outside organization that wants to use our facilities for their own camps or programs. The Commission agreed that there should be charged.  This will go into effect next year and they organizations will have to be notified. They will also be required to submit rosters.


Ø       The second part of the park tour is scheduled for Wednesday, June 10th at 3:30 to be followed by the 6:00 Commission meeting.


Ø       Community Center – Director Mangold spoke with Steve Whitaker today and the project is still on schedule.  The conceptual design continues to be worked on. The space analysis is complete. He is vetting it internally with O & G.  He will then present O & G with bubble diagrams by next Friday, May 22nd. Mr. Whitaker will then meet with the First Selectman and then present the diagrams to Parks and Recreation and the seniors.  Plans will include the possibility of an outdoor bathroom facility for use by trail users as suggested at a meeting with Stantec.
Ø       Maintenance Facility roof – all reports are back from TRC.  Assistant Director Samuelson will review the bid spec from the Town Hall project.  

16.  OTHER

Ø       The June, July and August Commission meetings will be moved to Wednesday after the regular scheduled meeting.
Ø        Donna Benson will check with Fran Pennarola as to the status of the Ordinance changes.



Ø       None.

(m/s/c:  Yanni, Jr./Yochum) “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting was adjourned 8:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Donna M. Benson